

雖然今日下著毛毛細雨, 但仍堅持我們的''叢林爬山近觀瀑布''之旅

Lake Barrington2

先抵達Lake Barrington, 因為天候不佳, 導致霧氣很重

但也因此, 卻有另一種美感

Lake Barrington3 

挺夢幻的湖面倒映, 若是晴朗天空 未必有此景色

冒雨而來, 值得!

Path of Accommodation

在抵達剛剛那個區域前, 會先看到一個停車場,原先以為是一間住宿的停車場

結果繞了兩次, 原來這停車場就是Fourth Fall Track 的停車場


停好車, 就開始探險之旅囉

這路徑都是人走出來的, 並沒有人工鋪路

沿途有人用粉紅線綁在樹上, 避免迷路

一開始就是個如雨林般的區域, 好刺激阿


爬上爬下的, 對於已經顯少運動的我來說


Path of Forth Falls2


View of Forth Falls

當你走到這, 可以看到這美麗的景色


一條往瀑布底, 另一條往瀑布上


不過我覺得, 非常值得來

Lower Waterfall

底端就像這樣, 看著水流而下

Path of Forth Falls

Upper Waterfaall 

Forth Falls

頂端非常接近這瀑布, 請不要對這小瀑布失望

沿途的景色 及 感覺



經過這次挑戰 , 辛普森也從當年的臭小孩(點下臭小孩就可知道)蛻變成滄桑的老人


Forth Falls
The Forth Falls walking track is available from the Lake Barrington Garden Cafe car park. The track facilities have been made available by Karen Charleston and her partner Warwick Smith who own the Lake Barrington Garden Cafe. The track forms part of the Tasmanian Trails network and wahics constructed with help from volunteers from the Wilmot Area. The track crosses the Cafe property for approx 800 metres until it reaches the Forth Falls State Reserve.
The moderate walk is through rain forest, past native wild flowers with views over Lake Barrington and takes you along the way to Quoll Point about 30 minutes from the Cafe. From here you can climb up to the Upper Falls or take the track down to the Lower Falls which ever you choose there are breathtaking views of Lake Barrington with Mount Roland as a magnificant backdrop.
Orignally there were 7 falls in total however when Lake Barrinton was filled we lost the bottom fall which is now under water. Lake Barrington was formed in 1969 as part of the Mersey Forth Power Scheme.

314 Lake Barrington Road, Wilmot TAS 7310

希望沒記錯地址, 應該是從這旁邊的一個柵欄進入

平常柵欄都會關上, 好像為了避免動物進入 或 闖出

Lake Barrington Forth Falls Am I Cute?      



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